Sunday, July 06, 2014

Innovation Kitchens to Pioneer 'Virtuous Food Cycle'. Method: Farm to Kitchen to Local Consumers.

Our work is helping to break new ground in local/regional foods commerce.  For new models to work, regional foods need to be safely stabilized and stored for year-round use.  Without this step, food, resources and opportunities are wasted.

The Times of Mineral Point (WI), just published a good story on our work in their July 2014 issue.  It was titled, "Innovation Kitchens to Pioneer 'Virtuous Food Cycle'.  Method:  Farm to Kitchen to Local Consumers."

Here's a quote, "Rick Terrien believes that by combining the capacities of regional farms with the output from a professionally managed commercial kitchen, and adding a retail outlet for food sales, new opportunities for business development will spring up."