Kiva connects people through lending to alleviate poverty.
What a rewarding journey that gift has provided ever since. This post is my current KIVA report.
Overall, Kiva.org. As of December 25, 2009, Kiva has distributed $110,671,610 in loans from 631,345 lenders. A total of 157,207 loans have been funded. The average loan size is $401.66. Its current repayment rate is 98.13%
My first post about Kiva and my microloans in December of 2007.
Check out the results!
Existing /past loans:
Chantal Dolou. Lomé, Togo. 100% repaid!
Allahverdy Kuliyev. Absheron Region, Azerbaijan 100% repaid!
Srey Touch Nuon Group. Chheu Teal Phluos Village, Cambodia. 41% repaid. Right on target.
Josefina Aurora Castro Barrenechea. Cochabamba, Bolivia. 24% repaid. Right on target.
New loan:
Canal De Bendicion 6 Group. La Romana, Dominican Republic. $1,550 loan request. Now fully funded.
This is all funded from a $100 gift from friends.
KIVA.org home page. Check it out!
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