I had a wonderful week.
I taught the first of the online classes devoted to startups. It was a very enjoyable experience with a great group of entrepreneurial class members.
This was the initial 'Intro to Micro Enterprise' course, but one gentleman in the class was so enthusiastic he launched the next day. Set up his LLC, grabbed the domain name and lit the fuse. Very cool. I met with him for coffee today and his model looks great and we're going to work out his details through the coming courses.
These courses have limited enrollment but there are still open slots. Even though they are being taught through the WI Technical College System, you can take the courses from anywhere in the US. They are taught live, online using a toll free telephone line and the content is on the web. If you have an interest please eMail me for details and I'll help get you to where you need to go. You can also download course descriptions, dates and sign up details from the home page of the Business Diligence site.
I asked the first class to rate the value on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being excellent and the average came out to be 9.6. Thanks to all the class members for a very exciting evening!
Another client launched commercially this week and took her first orders. Ring the bell! Congratulations Heirlooms Again! May the commercial winds be always at your back.
As the Friday work load wound down late this afternoon, and the phone and the eMails slowed, I took some time to watch the bird feeders out the office door at a more appreciative pace. The hummingbirds are gathering in Southern Wisconsin for their migration south. I inched myself closer and closer to their feeders over time until I got less than an arms length distant. They were squabbling with one another and flying so close to my face to check me out that my cheeks were cold from the beat of their wings.
In the background, the raucous sounds from a flock of Sandhill Cranes that live in the nearby marsh rose and fell in waves. Aldo Leopold described their calls as clangorous, a perfect word for a language that's been used by the cranes in some form for at least 9 million years. By comparison, humans have had language for no more than 300,000 years at best estimate. It makes you wonder how deep and primal the communication among cranes must be.
It also strikes me that clangorous is a pretty good word to describe entrepreneurship.
Much to ponder, much to celebrate. A great week.
Be well, friends.
Rick's entrepreneurship class info taught online through the WI Technical College System at WCTC. Join us!
Heirlooms Again
A good description of the hummingbirds' story
A good place for hummingbird science
Sandhill crane info from the Cornell Bird Center
The Aldo Leopold Center
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