I was a guest this week at a great Annual Meeting and celebration of our Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC). I've been a huge fan of WWBIC for a long while. My friend Phyllis from Madison Gas and Electric invited me to attend, and I was thrilled with this opportunity.
I'd wanted to hear the keynote speaker, Robert Egger, do a presentation since I learned about his work several years ago. Robert is the founder of the DC Central Kitchen. His contributions to life are many. Reading about the evolution of the DC Central Kitchen as a laboratory for creating good, sustainable work is truly inspiring.
I not only got a chance to hear Robert's presentation, 'One Voice For CHANGE' but had the great opportunity to meet with Robert for a wonderful conversation before things got underway.
Robert was very supportive of the models we're experimenting with. I'm just reading Robert's book 'Begging For Change: The dollars and sense of making nonprofits responsive, efficient and rewarding for all.'
It was a great honor to have Robert give a shout-out to our work at the Wisconsin Innovation Kitchen during his presentation. Humbling stuff.
Here is some wonderful text from Robert's book 'Begging For Change':
No matter what type of organization you lead, whether it's nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental, the results should be the same. The more purpose you create, the more profit you'll generate; the more profit you generate, the more purpose you create. Companies and organizations that strive for social change can show us the possibilities of running a businesslike nonprofit and a nonprofitlike business. And the marriage of these two ideas is our future."
Amen. Thanks for a great visit Robert!
Robert Egger's book, 'Begging For Change. The dollars and sense of making nonprofits responsive, efficient and rewarding for all.' Opens new window at Amazon.
DC Central Kitchen
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corp.
Madison Gas & Electric, MG&E. MG&E contributes (thanks!) to the nonprofit / social profit organization I help run, the ICAEDC
Photo copyright DC Central Kitchen.
1 comment:
Hallo , ich gerade gelesen Ihr Arbeit in Deinem Blog und mochte genießen Sie Hilfe finden Menschen mit großes Wissen!
kee die harte Arbeit, Bye und auch frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2011! Sorry bad Deutsch!
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