Several of our Innovation Kitchen Preparation Partners are marketing through the wonderful Dane County Farmer’s Market in Madison, WI.
During the Wisconsin Public Radio interview with Larry Meiller this week I got to highlight several success stories of local farm entrepreneurs having their recipes prepared for them at the Innovation Kitchen.
Don’s Produce, from the Arena, Wisconsin area, is in the beautiful northeast corner of Iowa County. The Innovation Kitchen has made several delicious products for Don and Mary. I got a shot of their wonderful Pure Tomato Juice at the Dane County Fair this weekend. This is a great juice recipe prepared at the Innovation Kitchen.
Another Partner marketing at the Dane County market is Bingham’s Horticultural Products, from the Mineral Point area, in the south central part of Iowa County. Bingham’s has a fabulous Fresh Vegetable Salsa recipe prepared at the Innovation Kitchen.
Our Preparation Partner program for processing recipes for local food and farm entrepreneurs is underway. I’m checking frequently to make sure the expectations on both sides are met. Every day we look for ways to make this valuable opportunity even better.
Through the Innovation Kitchen, jobs are being strengthened and created. More and more people are getting access to local foods year round. Good work is being created and nurtured in our own communities. Food entrepreneurs are investing in local agriculture and local jobs. Our local farms are getting access to valuable new year-round markets.
Nationwide, as more and more lovers of good food and entrepreneurship discover this opportunity, it's easy to see how this valuable experiment can grow.
Thanks to all our Innovation Kitchen Partners!
Our Wisconsin Innovation Kitchen
Dane County Farmer's Market, the largest producer-only farmer's market in the United States.
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