This is from a news release from our Wisconsin state Senator Dale Schultz (emphasis mine) -
At the request of Senator Schultz, leaders for jobs and energy are hosting a visit for you and other community leaders from the region of Grant, Green, Lafayette, Richland, Sauk, Crawford and Iowa Counties on the afternoon of Monday, November 29.
Stop #1 is at a new regional food-jobs generator in Mineral Point, plus we’ll get an update on the next regional food-jobs generator in Highland.
Wisconsin Innovation Kitchen
851 Dodge St. (old Hwy 151), Mineral Point WI 53565
Web: http://www.wi.innovationkitchen.org/, phone 608 987 3558
Host: Rick Terrien, director of the Iowa County Area Economic Development Corp. (http://www.iowacountyedc.org/)
You’ll get a tour and hear how WINK is helping food-related entrepreneurs from a large region.
RSVPs are not essential, but if you do, we can offer you car pooling possibilities with other folks coming from your area.
"Come if you want to keep or create local food jobs in your community."
We are encouraged our work can be described as a being a 'leader for jobs'. Please join us Nov. 29.
TO RSVP, email Tom Jackson - tjackson@legis.wi.gov
The Wisconsin Innovation Kitchen
Iowa County Area Economic Development
Photo is of my 2010 Wisconsin Innovation Kitchen (WInK) pumpkin. Some of my other pumpkin carving through the years
Thank you
Good Article
It was very interestin and usefull article. Thanks for auther
Great website, looks very clean and organized. Keep up the good work!
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