Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Help for entrepreneurs with disabilities

 Here is a great story about new organizations emerging to support entrepreneurs who have disabilities.

It's been a dream of mine to introduce entrepreneurs who have disabilities to the great team of people with disabilities working at the Wisconsin Innovation Kitchen.  

Entrepreneurs with disabilities could be creating jobs for other people with disabilities as they develop their businesses.... good for all involved.

We are creating these kind of opportunities with small batch food startups.  

Professionally managed safe, legal kitchens can change the world.  That's what Annette Pierce and her culinary team at the Wisconsin Innovation Kitchen have taught me.

With this kind of platform, entrepreneurs who have disabilities can launch their own food businesses from wherever they live.  The food processing work can be done safely, legally and deliciously by Annette and her professional culinary team that includes many people with disabilities.

As demand grows, we can help launch new professional community kitchens and create new jobs and opportunities for all involved including entrepreneurs and workers who have disabilities.  

Chicago Tribune:  Help for entrepreneurs who have disabilities

"It is no secret that it is difficult for new small businesses to succeed.

Imagine the extra challenges faced by business owners with disabilities.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, people with disabilities are almost twice as likely as the general population to be self-employed. They are also much more likely to be unemployed or underemployed. When they plan to establish a business, people with disabilities confront extra challenges..."

The Innovation Kitchen model can be used to create startup opportunities for entrepreneurs who have disabilities as well as creating jobs and support for people with disabilities in our communities.

Help for entrepreneurs who have disabilitiesChicago Tribune article,  Written by Elliot Raphaelson,  April 27, 2012.  Copyright Tribune Media Services.

Information about food startups in professional community kitchens.  Our new social venture.

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