I've made arrangements with one of the really great schools in the Wisconsin Technical College System to begin teaching a series of courses online to train new entrepreneurs.
I'm very excited about these courses. I've been writing and refining them over the last several years. Six courses will be available, starting this fall, to anyone in the U.S. with an internet connection and a telephone line, through Waukesha County Technical College. (The courses will cover these 6 topics... Intro to Entrepreneurship, Business Planning, Organizing, Managing, Marketing and Preparing/Executing for Micro Enterprises). I will post more info as it becomes available.
So two things crossed as I was preparing to take these courses public.
The first involved the course on creating sustainable business plans. I'm researching and writing about smart ways to encourage new entrepreneurs to think through the commercial details of their new enterprises. It's interesting work and I really love the way this course is turning out.
What crossed this in the background was a periodic purge of old saved stuff in my eMail folders. A little gem fell out called 'Why women live longer than men'. It's in a PDF with no attribution that I can find. I pass along the images in the link below. The photo above represents the idea pretty well.
Sustainable business plans encompass research to keep you from trouble and guide you toward your goals. The photos in this PDF exemplify the opposite path.
When I write the marketing course, I'm going to be encouraging new entrepreneurs to identify their ideal target customer.
After seeing this fun little PDF, I'm beginning to think I would answer that for myself by choosing women entrepreneurs first.
Download the top 10 photos of why women live longer than men.
This is a single PDF file of about 468 worthwhile KBs. If anyone knows the origin of this, please let me know and I'll credit it here.
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