A group of emerging food hubs in the Great Lakes region met in Chicago recently. I got to meet Joe and Greg from the wonderful Republic Food Enterprise Center in Pennsylvania along with many other amazing food hub folks from all across the Great Lakes region.
To me food hubs are food-based enterprises that spin off and support a greater good. It seems clear that smart hubs aggregate with others and keep experimenting to see which niches need filling, with all due accolades to Darwin.
The Chicago based organization Fresh Taste hosted a recent weekend retreat for new and emerging food hubs in the Great Lakes region. The working title for the weekend was ‘Building Community Wealth Through Food Hubs’. What a valuable gathering!
Links to all these new friends are below. Since this initial gathering, several new partner projects have emerged. I can’t wait to watch this grow.
The Great Lakes region has historically been a great food provider. Rebuilding that capacity is strategic and critically important to 21st century regional food needs. That kind of long range planning is emerging from all kinds of interesting places.
I’m honored to be hanging out with such a smart bunch! Please visit their info and links below. And welcome new friends and new projects in our wonderful Great Lakes food region.
First a link to news and info from Fresh Taste in Chicago who hosted this gathering. Then links to participants.
Fresh Taste. Thanks Karen and friends!
Food hub project profiles:
Black Oaks Center for Sustainable Renewable Living. Fred and Dr J.
Center For Urban Transformation. Orrin
Edible Economy Project. Terra, Marty and Elaine.
Gourmet Gorilla. Jason
Green City Growers / Evergreen Cooperative. Mary
Institutional Food Market Coalition. Olivia
Irv and Shelly’s Fresh Picks. Shelly and Irv
Farm Business Development Center at Prairie Crossing Farm. Mike
The Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission. Local Food Study. PDF. 2.5 MB. Kevin and Beth
Republic Food Enterprise Center / Holly Mead Capital. Joe and Greg
Renaissance Farm / Slow Money Wisconsin. Mark
Southwest Michigan Green Enterprises Incubator. John
Wisconsin Innovation Kitchen / Food Action Alliance. Rick
Supporting partners and resources
Kailo Fund. Tina
Southwest Wisconsin Community Action Program. Wally
Slow Food Midwest / Slo-fig. Joel
Fresh Taste – Meeting conveners. Karen and Vanessa
cool blog!!!
thank you share this!
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