Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Starting part time

My contention is that most anyone can start their own enterprises, with a little planning and appropriate expectations. But the solutions don't come out of a can. It won't be a straight line, and you probably won't become a billionaire doing it.

Unless you're flush with cash to carry you through your start up, I don't recommend quitting your job and plunging in. I think you should take a breath and assess what's in front of you.

If you are able to put a self-enterprise project in place that can fit into your life sustainably, why wouldn't you at least think about it?

For many people new to business start ups, the best answer is often starting up part time. The internet is making this possible in ways that have never previously been possible. You can work out the logistics, see what breaks, and build your way into sustainable cash flow.

Getting cash flow underway sustainably, even in a small way, is one of the hardest early tests of your enterprise. The friction of inertia is damn powerful. Plan modestly and prove out your model. Part time start ups are a perfectly reasonable approach to learning the trade.

Is this easy? Heck no. You're probably all ready working hard and scrambling to find free time. If you add more into that mix there is nothing that feels at all like PART TIME to the person living through it. It's tough. However, remember that we're just exploiting the hell out of your most undervalued asset. Is this easy? No, and you don't want it to be. Remember, hard work keeps out the under motivated. The harder you have to work, the more wide open the playing field becomes.

If your enterprise doesn't reach full time launch velocity what have you lost? Nada. If you've planned right, you've created a small profitable enterprise you control and operate in the background. Best case it flowers into a freestanding enterprise supporting you and perhaps others. Worst case you've lost a little money (hopefully not much) and need to try something else.

You can make a small, smart investment of time and money and start your enterprise part time in the background. Think of your start up as an investment in yourself. No matter what happens you'll be smarter for the next one. It's a perk.

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